Water delivery and distribution guard the most essential element of this planet.
They are serving very efficiently to enhance the utility of water.
Their High endurance, light in weight but heavy in workload, construction is protected from corrosion and UV light, too. Experience highly reliable materials with easy installation with minimum cost.
We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.

Gopiflex Medium Duty
Suction Hose

Aquaflex Heavy Duty
Suction Hose

Fineflex Super Heavy Duty
Suction Hose

Olive Green Heavy Duty
Suction Hose

Grey Suction Hose
Heavy Duty

Blue Oil Hose
Heavy Duty

Duct Hose Grey
Heavy Duty

100% Flexible PVC Construction
Can be used at most awkward
curves & bends without any
stiffness. Meticulous spiral
reinforcement made from rigid
PVC in soft PVC wall ensures high
impact, crushing & kinking
resistance as well great flexibility.
- Multi purpose suction & Delivery of water
- Diesel oil, Mineral oil, Light chemicals conveying
- Construction Mining
- Light application for oil suction
- Light dredge suction, moderate vacuum service, General suction
- Dust control, air-conditioning and ventilation ducting
- Vacuum and abrasive dust handling
- Industrial uses | Gardening uses
- Material handling | Grain handling
- Vapour recovery and many more…
Recommended Maximum working Temperature : 60 C
The Technical Specifications mentioned are on approximate basis. + – variations are possible.